Four Essential Marketing Ingredients
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Four Essential Marketing Ingredients
Oh, if there were just a formula that yielded marketing results. For your clients and for your own efforts in landing new accounts. Never mind that such a formula would probably negate any need for your strategic services!
You aren’t afraid of hard work or even great expense in landing new accounts. You just don’t want either your time or your money to be wasted.
The same can be said for hiring powerful new business people, including everything that comes with it: significant compensation, well crafted materials, and the never ending meetings to discuss progress. All that is quite worth it if results are achieved. But it can take six to twelve months to start landing the fish you are hungry for, and it’s not difficult to face doubts about your direction during that waiting period.
I don’t have all the answers to this. All I have is the benefit of seeing deeply inside hundreds of firms now, and that brings certain advantages. For one, I’m going to really know what’s worked and what’s not. It won’t be some passing comment at a convention over a beer where someone boasts about their “new program” and exclaims “how well it’s worked.” For another, seeing inside these firms helps with a fresh mix of old and new ideas.
Yes, you need a marketing plan, though something that will fit on the front and back of one napkin will work fine. Yes, you need marketing materials. Yes, one person needs to be charged with making this happen.
But there are four things that will do more than anything else in making you successful at landing new business. If these four things are present at your firm, you’d actually have to work very hard not to succeed.