Okay, 2024 is looking a little too much like 2023 and fixing your new business problem is job one. You could hire those Punctuation folks to work with you individually in a New Business Audit for $18k, but you need quicker and cheaper answers. Plus, you want to do it with peers.
Join us for a pop-up seminar, then, and explore the same three things: positioning, service offering design, and lead gen. You may very well get everything you need to make this year kick ass. If you need some individualized help, you can tack on some individual help, after the event, where we’ll apply this specifically to you. But only if you need it.
Starts at 8:30a on Tuesday, February 27. If that’s too early, you aren’t serious about solving this. So arrive the night before. We’ll facilitate attendees getting together for drinks/dinner (via a WhatsApp group). We’ll meet through 3:30p the first day and then have an open bar before open groups gather for dinner and celebrate or commiserate or both.
Second day (Wednesday, February 28) will go from 8:30 to 2:30p, and then you’re free to fly back home and put some distance between your firm and any competitors who didn’t come.
Detailed agenda to come, but essentially we’ll work through the topics below.
Expect no more than 32 people, all principals (i.e., decision makers). Less lecture and more useful, guided discussion. As much relationship-building as you want, or time to think without interruptions. Fearless raising of all the critical decisions, honest feedback on your courage or wimpiness, and “glass half full” encouragement to solve this.
You’ll get as much out of this as you put in it. There will be a few things for you to do beforehand, and you’ll get lots of questions answered at the event. But no follow-up or personalized advice/feedback is included. That will be available if you need it, but this isn’t designed as a “hold your hand at every turn” sort of event, but rather a kickstarter from someone who has most of the answers and who loves you.